A community steeped in history beginning as early as 1635, Washington Island has been a part of maritime and commercial history in the greatest of the Great Lakes, Lake Michigan. Settled in 1850, Washington Island is the second oldest Icelandic settlement in America. Then, and now, Washington Island offers those who visit, natural wonders along with contemporary pleasures, a quiet tranquility of peaceful surroundings and a friendly community.

A paradise for naturalists as well as fishing, sailing and swimming pristine waters puts simple pleasures at your service. Visit unique museums to learn of our history, and take a day to explore the first and oldest lighthouse, the Potawatomi, in these waters on Rock Island. Take in an art show, theatre or musical performance. Browse shops offering distinctive Island products and regional artists' creations. Enjoy a round of golf or farms that raise exotic animals; treat yourself to a delicious meal at one of our fine restaurants and experience food that is unique to our area including one of our famous fish boils, a tasty brew or bread made from our local grain. At the end of the day, resorts, motels, cabins, campgrounds or b & b's offer a selection of accommodations for you and your family.

Check out the links listed on the left for more information about Washington Island life or watch this documentary about the island.


Washington Island - Just North of the “Tension Line”

  1. Just six miles off the tip of the Door County peninsula, people come to Washington Island to get away from the tension of the city to enjoy a slower, relaxing pace of life.

  1. Internet Links:

  2. Washington Isl. Chamber of Commerce

  3. http://www.washingtonislandchamber.com/

  4. Washington Island Yacht Club

  5. http://www.wiyc.com/

  6. Washington Island Visitors Guide

  7. http://www.washingtonisland.com/

  8. Washington Island Ferry

  9. http://www.wisferry.com/

  10. Trueblood Performing Arts Center

  11. http://www.truebloodpac.com/

  12. Washington Island Observer

  13. http://www.island-observer.com/

  14. Door County Chamber of Commerce

  15. http://www.doorcounty.com/

  16. Door County Advocate

  17. http://www.godoorcounty.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage